Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Academy in DC
Traditional Instruction for Better Health, Serenity and Self-Defense
Stop by the Hill Center for a free lesson during class hours to meet our diverse group of students. See and hear for yourself how Tai Chi can improve your life in every way. The center is located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington DC, just minutes from the Eastern Market Metro stop.
The Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Academy of Washington, DC, led by Sifu Larry Hawkins, is rooted in the strong tradition of Tai Chi as developed by the Wu family five generations ago. Sifu Hakwins, a practioner of Tai Chi and other Chinese martial arts for more than 30 years, is certified to teach Wu Style by the Hong Kong-based International Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Federation.
Going back almost two centuries, beginning in Northern China, Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan has been preserved intact with its skills having been handed down from generation to generation in a tradition of the Wu family.
Tai Chi Chuan is a formulated set of movements designed to control body and mind; however, it is more than a discipline for health and serenity. It is a complete system of self-defense which demonstrates the wisdom of yielding in face of strength. It is a martial art that emphasizes sensitivity, serenity, flexibility, commitment, maturity and consistency to master.
Students can enter the Academy at any time since much of the instruction is individual and classes are broadly broken into beginners, intermediate and advanced. Regular classes are available to anyone over the age of 13.
Grand Master Eddie Wu With D.C. Students During Annual Visit